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Tuesday, 26 May 2020

installing Heroku CLI on windows Subsystem for Linux

One of my colleagues just told me that he couldn't install the "Heroku CLI" on his WSL (Windows Subsytem for Linux)

The normal command is as below:
sudo snap install --classic heroku

I tried it on my WSL and I saw that the below error message:

Interacting with snapd is not yet supported on Windows Subsystem for Linux.
This command has been left available for documentation purposes only.

obviousely the currently "snap" is not supported on WSL yet!
but if I run the below command, it will do the same job:

curl | sh

Sunday, 24 May 2020

How do I replace some text inside a text file with te buildId of a build/reease and save it back in the Azure DevOps ?

I would be a millionaire if I could ask a penny for each time that my colleagues ask me this question.
I would just run a PowerShell task with something like the below example:

<div class="code">

$oldValue = 'default-value'
$newValue = '$(Build.BuildId)'
(Get-Content $filePath) -replace $oldValue , $newValue | Set-Content $filePath

Problem with installing "Cloud Foundry" CLI on MacOS!

It's a while I'm working on a government project which will deploy into a government platform as a service that is called GovPaaS.  ...